Work & Travel USA – Lista prac zakazanych

 w Aktualności

Poniżej znajdziesz listę prac, których podejmowanie podczas Work & Travel USA jest zabronione. Jeżeli korzystasz z opcji SELF upewnij się, że Twoje przyszłe miejsce pracy nie jest na poniższej liście, ani pracodawca nie podpada pod warunki wymienione na końcu listy. W przypadku opcji FULL pracodawcy są wcześniej zweryfikowani przez Fundację.

Prohibited jobs

  • Any job that is unpaid or does not pay at least the minimum wage for that state
    Sales jobs requiring the participant to invest his/her own monies to pre-purchase inventory
    Domestic help positions in private U.S. households – e.g. au pair, servant, gardener or chauffeur
    Jobs in the adult entertainment industry
    Jobs designated by the U.S. Department of Labor as “hazardous to youth”
    Jobs in warehouses
    Most jobs with moving companies
    Jobs in factories
    Jobs in manufacturing
    Jobs in catalog / online distribution centers
    Jobs in the fisheries industry
    Jobs that are substantially commission-based and thus do not guarantee minimum wage
    Jobs at mall kiosks/carts
    Jobs as operators or drivers of vehicles or vessels for which drivers’ licenses are required
    Operators of pedicabs, rolling chairs, other passenger carrying vehicles for hire, and/or vehicles requiring a commercial driver’s license
    Jobs with exposure to dangerous chemicals (e.g. pesticides)
    Jobs on the gaming floor of casinos
    Jobs with travelling carnivals / concessions
    Jobs where the participant is hired as an independent contractor / hired on a 1099 form
    Jobs providing clinical care, medical services or involving patient contact, hands on therapy, counseling, administering treatment or making diagnoses of medical, psychiatric or psychological patients, or veterinary work involving hands-on care.
    As ship or aircraft crew members, or as pilots, except as crew members on ships that travel only within domestic U.S. waters
    Teacher, teaching assistant or coach
    Jobs for which another J-1 Visa category exists (e.g. Camp Counselor, Intern, etc.)
    Jobs through staffing/employment agencies
    Jobs entailing sustained physical contact with customers (e.g., body piercing, tattoo parlor, massage)
    Jobs where the participant works the majority of their hours between 10:00pm and 6:00am
    Jobs with domestic cleaning companies
    Jobs as a model
    Jobs requiring a license

 In addition to the specific prohibited jobs listed above, the following rules also apply:

  • Participants may not engage in employment that displaces U.S. workers
    Participants may only work for employers whose staffing need is seasonal/temporary in nature
    Participants may not work for employers who have experienced layoffs within the last 120 days
    Participants may not work for employers who have workers on strike/lockout

Uczestnik w opcji FULL (praca otrzymana z Fundacji) otrzyma ofertę, która na pewno spełnia wymogi Departamentu Stanu, gdyż Fundacja ma obowiązek dokładnie zweryfikować pracodawców, z jakimi współpracuje.
Uczestnik w opcji SELF (praca zaaranżowana we własnym zakresie) musi samodzielnie zadbać o to, by jego pracodawca spełniał wymogi. Dostarczony kontrakt będzie sprawdzany, a pracodawca weryfikowany przez Fundację. Oferta, która nie spełni warunków będzie odrzucona przez Fundację i Uczestnik będzie musiał dostarczyć nowy kontrakt.

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